A woman sitting at a table looking at her laptop.
An orange and white eye with a green background

Ensuring Fair and Honest Exam Experiences

Zero Cheating is where academic integrity meets support and empowerment. Explore resources tailored to enhance your academic journey, ensuring fairness, transparency, and success every step of the way. Your education and well-being are our top priorities.

What We Monitor

Differentiating Real Cheating from Normal Behavior: Our focus is detecting explicit cheating actions substantiated by irrefutable evidence.

  • Cheat Sheets: Shared content is scrutinized for approval by the educator.
  • Hidden Earpieces: Detected through advanced infrared technology.
  • Phone Usage: Photographic evidence is furnished to the test administrator.
  • Remote Desktop Login: Detection of external control over your computer.
  • Multiple Monitors: Identification of any additional active screens during the test.
  • Browsing Prohibited Websites: Comprehensive monitoring of website access.
  • Virtual Machine Usage: Specific detection and reporting of virtual machines.
  • Hidden Notes: Software scans for notes in unconventional places.
  • Notes on Monitor: Photo capture of notes by the multi-lens camera.
  • Documenting Test Content: Flagging any attempts to capture exam content unfairly.
  • Other Individuals: Reporting any unauthorized presence during the exam.
A person typing on a laptop computer.
A woman with long hair smiles for the camera.

Natural Behaviors We Respect

We understand tests can be intense, but rest assured, we're here to support you. Your sincere efforts will shine through without undue stress. If you're not cheating, there's nothing to worry about. Our AI prioritizes genuine cheating indicators, respecting natural human behaviors without flagging you for:

  • Glancing around
  • Unplanned interruptions
  • Talking to oneself
  • Emotional reactions to challenging questions
  • Brief distractions

Respecting Your Privacy

  • Focused Monitoring: We prioritize fairness, recording only undeniable evidence of cheating attempts.
  • Seamless Verification: Unlocking your phone becomes the gateway to smooth authentication.
  • Fair Recognition: Every student receives equitable recognition.
  • Data Integrity: Your biometric data remains secure, and it is not stored, shared, or sold. After verification, it is promptly deleted.
A circle with three sections labeled privacy, integrity and equity.
A man sitting at his desk working on a laptop.

Our Core Values

  • Privacy: We prioritize your personal space, employing a background filter for enhanced privacy.
  • Integrity: Transparency and fairness are the cornerstones of our processes, ensuring trust and accountability.
  • Equity: Your testing experience remains unaffected by variations in race, gender, or identity, fostering a level playing field for all.


Our monitoring software utilizes advanced technology to ensure the integrity of both exams and assignments. During exams, the software employs multi-lens cameras, motion sensors, and AI-driven analysis to detect unauthorized items or behaviors without constantly recording students. It focuses on clear evidence of academic dishonesty, such as the use of phones, hidden earpieces, or remote desktop logins, while respecting students' natural movements and privacy.

A group of people sitting at tables in front of books.
A group of people sitting at tables with laptops.


For assignments and papers, the software offers comprehensive process analysis to identify external authorship, including the use of AI tools, ghostwriting, and plagiarism. By examining metrics such as typing patterns, active time, and revisions, it ensures that each submission is the student's original work. This objective and unbiased approach helps maintain academic fairness and integrity, giving educators confidence in the authenticity of student submissions.

An orange and white eye with a green background

Using AI to Assist and Enhance

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Commitment to Academic Fairness and Support

At Zero Cheating, our dedication lies in maintaining fairness in academics, accurately reflecting everyone's hard work. Our support team is available to assist with concerns or technical challenges. We prioritize your success, mental well-being, and peace of mind above all else. Connect with us today.

A man sitting at a table using his laptop.